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The US Diplomatic Studies Foundation (DSF) is a 501(c)3 founded in 2017 by a group of senior foreign policy experts as a result of their deep belief that civilians in the international affairs community both need and deserve more training and professional development.
Our commitment is inspired by our belief in the diplomatic process. We believe that strong diplomacy and interagency coordination is key to a peaceful and prosperous future, and thus DSF’s objective is to help rebuild civilian leadership of the international affairs community by supporting more robust training and professional development opportunities.

DSF's work originally focused on the U.S. Department of State, particularly the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), with whom DSF has an Memorandum of Understanding. Today, DSF works with a wide range of departments and agencies within the national security apparatus. Given the resurgence of great power competition, interagency coordination is more important than ever. Our civilians need better training to face the evolving and challenging global environment.
DSF’s strategy is to serve as an innovation center for training and professional development by sponsoring new, impactful programs that can be rapidly deployed and are supported by private sector funding. In the words of Ambassador Daniel Smith, former Director of FSI, "There are things that we simply can’t do with the resources we have, and I think [this partnership with] the US Diplomatic Studies Foundation will enable us to do those things in a way that we may have never envisioned before. This is an important chapter in the history of this institution.”
Photo (from left to right): Amb. Julieta Valls Noyes, Amb. Daniel Smith, Amb. David Miller, and Amb. Thomas Pickering at the FSI-DSF MOU Signing Ceremony on February 5th, 2019
Photo Credit: Michael Morrison

"By failing to prepare,
you are preparing to fail."
Benjamin Franklin,
America's First Diplomat
The US Diplomatic Studies Foundation is a Delaware 501(c)3 organization founded on September 26, 2017. It received its Letter of Tax Exempt Status on May 25, 2018, retroactive to September 26, 2017, and its taxpayer identification number is 82-3100621. For certain taxpayers, gifts to the Foundation may be tax deductible. It is Foundation policy to decline payment of government negotiated overhead to public research organizations that are receiving grants or gifts from DSF. Current members of its Board of Directors are Rand Beers, David C. Miller, Jr., and Thomas Pickering.
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